Polish periodicals

Ars Polona S.A. is an experienced exporter of Polish periodicals to foreign markets with almost 70 years of tradition.

We take orders for the subscriptions of Polish periodicals to be dispatched to all countries of the world. Prices and conditions of sales are defined by our export catalogue named General Price List of Polish Dailies and Periodicals. All the publishing data on Polish periodicals comprised therein are updated and verified.

Our General Price List presents about 350 titles of popular as well as scientific or professional journals.  

We deliver also periodicals which are not listed in our catalogue such as complete series of out-of-print periodicals, volumes and single back issues of periodicals still available on our market.

We take orders all year round but to ensure proper execution of clients’ orders and deliveries starting from the 1st of January orders should be placed with us by November, 10 of the preceding year. In case of delayed orders some shortages in deliveries may occur.

We kindly invite You to submit Your orders through the website’s contact form, thank You.